Friday, October 24, 2008

Up the Down Staircase

Up the Down Staircase by Bel Kaufman; it's a novel I started reading, and I liked the title a lot. That's what life feels like sometimes huh? Walking up a down staircase. Or well, walking up the down escalator. Which is very unadvisable. Trust me.

And then again, I suppose you're able to get up to the top of the steps nevertheless. It's just trip-able and foolish-looking. No, I don't know what kind of analogy I'm trying to make.

I s2 my JV Volleyball Team (see picture). I bet you can't find a better bunch of silly, giggly, adorably cute (okay, not really) jv volleyball girls anywhere! I actually looked forward to pratices and games this year! And we beat OMI. Twice! Haha. It's so sad that it has to end when we're just starting to get really into it.

I think my life is starting to revolve around AP Bio. I started this post 3 days ago typing AP Bio notes, and now I am redoing and writing up an AP Bio lab, and yesterday I spent around 7 hours studying for AP Bio test. This is pathetically insane.

Life is hard.

Did you know they're thinking about legalizing prostitution in SF now? And that in Nevada, it is legal for parents to abandon their grown kids at police stations if they can't control them? Huhm.