Stuff I Want/Cure/Fight for in this World
- Slow down the regression, social decline, and just plain downhill of America and the rest of the world (how?)
- Cure childhood obesity and obesity in general (so that cures heart disease and other dreadful killers like that)
- Feed the starving children and people in Africa, China, Cambodia, and maybe even a couple blocks away.
- Show all the people with depression in this world how much God loves them, so much that He died for them, and that they do have hope.
- Exploit (?) all the secretly abusive parents, husbands, wives, children, etc out there.
- Dismantle McDonalds (which is the reason the world is coming to an end. seriously.)
- Stop abortion.
- On a smaller scale, I want to contribute to the rebirth of letter writing. And sonnets. And ballroom dancing. And traditional stuff like that.
Sigh, I don't feel anything yet. Man hidden passion thing, come to me! I shall continue my long-awaited search later.