I was 4 when Arthur was first born as an 8-year-old. Man, I envied him. He was so cool. He could swim, ride a bike to his bunny friend's house, do community service by himself, go to parades, and change the world. Don't you think he was pretty independant and responsible for a third grader? (Yes, I know he's a TV show.) But I was always like, "In just FOUR THREE TWO ONE years, I'm going to be EIGHT JUST LIKE ARTHUR!"
Now I'm 16, and Arthur's still 8. Twice his age. SO THERE. Nanananna, you can't catch me!
I still can't believe it though. I'm older than my childhood hero. Isn't it strange how things like this happen? Nevertheless, he's still my hero. Through him and his 1/2 hour shows, I learned what a compassionate, patient, and quirky little kid looks like. One that tolerates his sister, loves his parents and grandparents, has a sense of humor, treasures friendships, and plays piano (maybe that's why I want to learn).
And while I got to surpass him twice in age until I reached 16 and go through a bunch of headachy problems and stresses and AP summer homework, Arthur gets to stay an innocent, not-as-stressed third grader. Goodness, will I ever cease to envy him??
Everyday when you're walking down the street, everybody that you
meet...something something something...and I say HEY! What a wonderful kind of day, where we can learn to walk and play, and get along with each other!
*speechless*.......0_0........*cricket chirps*.......uhmmmmmm......WOW!! shame on you for staying up soo late! lol jk, i had trouble sleeping too, so i just stared at my ceiling for what felt like an eternity. hmmmm arthur......yea i used to love that show, not as much as i liked sailor moon though!! Man, i wish i could be like sailor moon, sooo pretty and has all these magical powers and yea, just saving the world. But i realized i could never be a girl, so i gave up all hopes and instead feasted my eyes on POKEMON. Ash was my new hero, controlling these very adorable animal-like monsters and going on countless adventures ( not to mention has a very loving mother)....maybe thats why i like traveling? and maybe thats why i have such good relationship with my mother ( even rosanna said so!) yea but now im older than ash and i guess i feel the same, ap summer work, piano, summer school, i envy ash ketchum. But hey, our childhood- heroes will always be a part of our lives no matter how old we get ( ...yes..-_- that means i will always member sailor moon)
haha i always watched arthur!!!
ive watched every single episode
i think
quite errr...inspiring i think the word is
like how he gets to meet the president and stuff like that
o yeah, did you know he was an aardvark? omg!!! i always thought he was a HIPPO...cuz of his ears....
like up until yesterday...at sunday school lolz
and dont worry, arthur will grow up...in err...50 years? and he'll have to do AP stuff too =D
and btw, is you're sunday play august 3rd? lol and two o clock right? >.< i gotta get there like 1 hr early to find the theatre =(
hoorah for melissa to continue her blogs. the only blogs i can write a decent amount on, are to my buddy JOATS, my monkey notebook that joanna gave me. and that is way too private to publish online..=) but yeah arthur was a very fun show, and its great how 3rd graders can be so carefree, thast what i love about little kids, and a reason why i get along with them SO well is cuz im a kid at heart myself. (YAY SAILOR MOON! i collected over 100 sailor moon stickers and had a sailor moon wallet).
it is amazing that we are twice his age and he can do twice as much as we can. you post makes me feel so old because when i was younger, i used to tell myself that as long as everyone who was famous was older than me, i would still me young. now i am older than some of them.
it really would be nice to just be 8 forever and never have to deal with the headaches that we have to face.
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