Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Thoughts Are In English

I wonder what language other people's thoughts are in. I mean, what if you spoke like 10 languages and you were, like, 1/10 Chinese, Scottish, Irish, Phillippino, English, Jewish...etc. And you lived in...Turkey. What language would your thoughts be in? What language are God's thoughts in?

I like being an upper-classmen. There's this feeling of confidence and a sense of, I don't know, smoothness? And then again, it's probably because I've been at CCS way too long, so maybe this is why the familiarity is really kicking in now.

If I didn't believe the government was such a sham, I'd probably be a staunch, unmoving Republican. And I'd probably vote for John McCain. Yes, now I have actual reasons behind it besides "people like the wife more than the other wife." Which isn't true anymore anyway, I think haha.

I talk too much. My tongue gets me into too much trouble.


IczyG said...

haha my thoughts are in english =P

heyyyy that sux im "lower classmen" psshh lol
1. obama all the way
and what u talkin about? MY TONGUE gets me into too muchtrouble lol
i gotta learn to shuttup lol i know =P
anyway u havnt commented on my blog =(
cya in pre-cal =DDDDD
haha yeah i realy doo talk too much

Justin Li said...

i like your tongue. besides the fact that it got you into S^O m^U^C^H T^R^O^U^B^L^E. ^V^V^V^^V^V. what happened to that pic of us that looked so great. :)

Justin Li said...

^O^ VoV ^_~ ^V^V^V^V

IczyG said...

lol hey cool nice pic =P where was that from lol

Justin Li said...

pretty scenery. there is nothing special about US though haha. u dont get it? wat got u into trouble?

IczyG said...

Hey me again lol
look what i found for you:

notsure if thats a clickable link, but its full episodes of gossip girl if u ever miss any =P
or if ur like bored lol

so yeah anyway when i posted this ur sick =[
so get well soon
=] call me up if u need anything lol