Hm. Actually, I'm relieved. A new year means erasing the terrible, painful memories of the previous year, the awkward moments, and regrets and what ifs. It's a new start, a new beginning, new adventures! Okay, not really. But I like to think of New Year's this way. So, Happy New Years 2009 everyone (add 5 hours to this post).
That's George Bush (the Christmas tree). He's real; my mother gets free Christmas trees in exchange for donuts. I think he's the best Christmas tree we've ever had. Because he's proportionate. Last year's Christmas tree, Barbara Bush, was kind of crooked.
And these people are my cousins on my mom's side. There's only one boy. He's cute. But he's a spoiled brat. Actually, I think all of us are.
Some cousins from my dad's side. I'm a midget. I used to be taller than ALL those kids. Especially the two standing on the left. I hate growing up. These are the kids I grew up playing idiotic, violent, imaginery games with. Where has all the time gone?
Okay, time to go reflect. Then start an 8 page essay on Benjamin Franklin. What a way to ring in the new year huh.
Goodbye 2008. Good morning 2009.