Sunday, August 16, 2009
I Feel Like Blogging Right Now
I had an interesting experience today. I walked into the "Healing Prayer" booth at the Zucchini Festival. I was hoping to see a certain Christian Science or something else religion dude whom I chatted with last year. He was a funny dude; he told me I had a lot of stress in my life, and that all I need to get rid of it is to believe it within myself...or something like that. But that's a different story, and apparently, a different booth.
The first thing those 3 people did when I walked into the tent was laugh and stare at me. I was creeped out. But then I realized they were staring at the smoothie in my hands because apparently they were all burning and sweating under intense heat, and the smoothie looked extremely tempting. lol.
The lady who led me into the tent lured me in by saying that I'd receive free encouraging words. So I was apprehensive when I sat down in the chair between the the lady and the man that they just stared down in silence for the first several minutes, jotting things down on paper. They were listening to God. Very awkward moment for me.
And then they spoke. "Business," the man said. "I see business in your future." The two ladies agreed. That shocked me. I thought I'd walked into one of those "Ouija Board" people groups. But as they kept talking about me to me, I felt...good. Weirded out by how they seemed to pinpoint those specific things about me and how I didn't have to say one thing, but I really did feel as if God was speaking to me through them.
I know that God talks, and He does, we just have to listen.
And I know that there are things in this world that we humans simply cannot understand about Him and about this world and about how things are. And when everything feels hazy and hard and hurtful, I find comfort in remembering that He says, "Be still and know that I am God," and that He loves us despite how horrible we are.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Today I'm Not Miserable.
But today, even though it's the last day of school once again, and I'm a year older, and a step closer to the finale of my beloved childhood, and a year closer on the ticking time bomb threatening to end my highschool career, I'm not miserable, confused, lost, or am I at a lost for words. Though I do miss my friends a lot.
And I don't have a bazillion nostalgic memories and "could've would've should'ves" or regrets running through my mind at the moment. I feel like optimism has been permanently rooted inside me this year. As if the "everything works out in the end" mentality has truly sunk in to stay. I think I've learned a lot about myself--about what I truly believe in, what I'm afraid of, what I can and cannot do, what I want, and what I love. And about other people. And that crossing over takes place in prophase 1.
It was a good year.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Insert Deep, Meaningful April Post...Maybe About the Meaning of Life or Something Like That Here
For the past week, I've been trying to clean house. I've thrown away more papers than I've ever thrown away in my life. The Kindergarten papers with the dot-to-dot drawings, the 6th grade Bronze Bow essays (I read them over and am appalled that I used "that" instead of "who"), the random handouts, worksheets, letters, trinkets, I've stuffed all in Costco garbage bags to be shipped off to the dumpster (I wonder if my mother recycled it all). I couldn't keep all the memories anymore because they were weighing down on my house. If you've been to my house, you would have observed that every cabinet, every closet, and every open corner, is one for storing textbooks, schoolwork, and random junk. The house is so much cleaner with all of it gone. I even feel that the air is cleaner somehow. I can open the buffet that's supposed to be used to store forks and plates and not have a bazillion old vocab quizzes or grammar packets fall out. It helps that my mother hired her maid friend to come over and vacuum the carpets (I swear the vacuum cleaner hates me. The lady used the same vacuum cleaner I always use, and she made nice vacuum marks in the floor. I never make vacuum marks in the floor! Vacuum marks = good lol), wash the windows, and sweep, mop, clean the bathroom, etc.
But despite the cleaning, reorganizing, the throwing away, I feel kind of unhappy about it all. I can't help but feel as if I liked things just the way they were before. I'm familiar with mess; I miss my stuff, and I don't like being uprooted. clean air is good. Space is wonderful. A fresh start is what I need. Then why do I complain?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Gone with the Paperclips
Gone With the Wind is such an awesome book. Everyone should read it. Even though it's 1000 pages.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
The Balls of My Feet are Killing Me...

Monday, January 26, 2009
On a Search for the Perfect Baby Name
But since I've just given up on my ridiculous homework, and I've just remembered that January's almost ending and that I must update my blog once a month, and since baby names have been my mind for a while, I'll go on my own short, simple, sweet search for a couple baby names for own future kid(s).
Okay, I'm disturbed by the thought of having children. Seriously. I'm too clumsy and careless and silly to be a mother. But okay whatever. Baby names.
- Must be pronouncable by all members of family (like by my Grandma)
- Must be meaningful
- Must be unique-ish
I want 2 kids. Sigh. Why am I writing about kids. A boy and a girl. So:
My girl shall be named Hermione. Yeah, she's the girl in Harry Potter. And yeah, she's everything I would want in a daughter (in myself too, but oh well). Brainy, extremely clever, witty, sensitive, loyal, gutsy, and can survive on her own in a tent in the dead of winter.
My boy shall be named Yusseff. I think it's the spinoff Jewish name for Joseph. But I know too many Josephs, so Yusseff works better (I knew a Yusseff from my summer theatre class though, so I know it's a valid name). Joseph is my favorite character in the Bible. He's a leader, problem solver, and knows how to run away from temptation. Plus Yusseff sounds nice with Hermione. Or at least I think so.
Kay, good. I got my names for my future imaginary children. Great.
Wait. Can my grandma pronounce Hermione and Yusseff? Darn.