Friday, May 29, 2009

Today I'm Not Miserable.

I read the post I wrote last year on the last day of school. Apparently, I was miserable, confused, lost, and "indescribable."

But today, even though it's the last day of school once again, and I'm a year older, and a step closer to the finale of my beloved childhood, and a year closer on the ticking time bomb threatening to end my highschool career, I'm not miserable, confused, lost, or am I at a lost for words. Though I do miss my friends a lot.

And I don't have a bazillion nostalgic memories and "could've would've should'ves" or regrets running through my mind at the moment. I feel like optimism has been permanently rooted inside me this year. As if the "everything works out in the end" mentality has truly sunk in to stay. I think I've learned a lot about myself--about what I truly believe in, what I'm afraid of, what I can and cannot do, what I want, and what I love. And about other people. And that crossing over takes place in prophase 1.

It was a good year.


IczyG said...

really? u felt this year's last day of school was better than last?
last year we got parties
this year was ugh meaningless college prep stuff (seemingly at least).
last year i ended feeling more fulfilled. this year was like something took a bite outta me.
obviously we hav very different experiences.
lol im on my friends computer..and apparently he has a blog -.-
anyway glad u had a good year. =P
comment my post if u havnt already yet (i didnt check i jus got on lol) and if u did, well tomrow(sunday) im gonna blog again with a "welcome summer" kinda thing. it'll be interesting =]

Justin Li said...

melissa yam, you truly are witty.

thats why blogging is great. you get to see your pathetic self one year and gloat about how much you grew. good for you, girl.

rosannagurl said...

i love your "everything works out in the end" mentality. it makes me think that everything actually WILL work out. i will definitely remember that long after high school. :)