Friday, May 29, 2009

Today I'm Not Miserable.

I read the post I wrote last year on the last day of school. Apparently, I was miserable, confused, lost, and "indescribable."

But today, even though it's the last day of school once again, and I'm a year older, and a step closer to the finale of my beloved childhood, and a year closer on the ticking time bomb threatening to end my highschool career, I'm not miserable, confused, lost, or am I at a lost for words. Though I do miss my friends a lot.

And I don't have a bazillion nostalgic memories and "could've would've should'ves" or regrets running through my mind at the moment. I feel like optimism has been permanently rooted inside me this year. As if the "everything works out in the end" mentality has truly sunk in to stay. I think I've learned a lot about myself--about what I truly believe in, what I'm afraid of, what I can and cannot do, what I want, and what I love. And about other people. And that crossing over takes place in prophase 1.

It was a good year.