Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I'm So Ridiculously Bored.

Things I Just Love
  • The Ans >F<>D button on the calculator
  • Watching the apple tree in my backyard go from ugly, wimpy bare to pink blossomy, cause-allergy flowers, to a huge leafy thing with wormy tennis ball apples
  • Washing dishes with the window in clear view so I can watch the sunset
  • Hot 2 hour showers.
  • Rererereading Dreamers or Harry Potter on the coldest day of winter while eating a cookie in my bed
  • An unexpected compliment

I have lists and lists of Things I Love, Things I Enjoy, and Things that Make Me Happy scribbled all over my AP Euro notebook. Because Euro is so miserable that I had to write happy lists to keep me awake. Like I am right now; I'm so terribly bored. I guess I'll just...sleep.


Justin Li said...

you forgot 'YOU!' haha =] dudee ap euro seems so miserable for you guys =/. i would make a list, i kno it will help some days, but..lazy. it seems so much trouble ahah im lazy boy

rosannagurl said...

haha. sleep is something that we all love right now because we don't get enough of it at all. eating a cookie in bed on a cold day sounds just lovely right now.