Monday, January 26, 2009

On a Search for the Perfect Baby Name

No, I'MMM not looking for a baby name, not at the moment at least, haha. However, my aunt and uncle have 3 or 4 months left to find the perfect name for their God-sent child; it's going to be a boy, and he's a miracle-child. They're being very nitpicky about naming this kid; they've poured over a bazillion baby name books and have yet to find " the one." My aunt's name is Sarah, and although my uncle's name is Han, I believe they should name their kid Isaac because when I think of their situation, I can't help but think about Abraham and Sarah in the Bible.

But since I've just given up on my ridiculous homework, and I've just remembered that January's almost ending and that I must update my blog once a month, and since baby names have been my mind for a while, I'll go on my own short, simple, sweet search for a couple baby names for own future kid(s).

Okay, I'm disturbed by the thought of having children. Seriously. I'm too clumsy and careless and silly to be a mother. But okay whatever. Baby names.

Melissa's Future Baby's Name Perequisite:
  • Must be pronouncable by all members of family (like by my Grandma)
  • Must be meaningful
  • Must be unique-ish

I want 2 kids. Sigh. Why am I writing about kids. A boy and a girl. So:

My girl shall be named Hermione. Yeah, she's the girl in Harry Potter. And yeah, she's everything I would want in a daughter (in myself too, but oh well). Brainy, extremely clever, witty, sensitive, loyal, gutsy, and can survive on her own in a tent in the dead of winter.

My boy shall be named Yusseff. I think it's the spinoff Jewish name for Joseph. But I know too many Josephs, so Yusseff works better (I knew a Yusseff from my summer theatre class though, so I know it's a valid name). Joseph is my favorite character in the Bible. He's a leader, problem solver, and knows how to run away from temptation. Plus Yusseff sounds nice with Hermione. Or at least I think so.

Kay, good. I got my names for my future imaginary children. Great.

Wait. Can my grandma pronounce Hermione and Yusseff? Darn.


IczyG said...

Hey that's cool lol
already thinking about babies =P
im personally giving all my children easy chinese names so they can write it =D
as for english names
i plan on naming my boy..AllahMussefBillyBobJoeTurnipHondaCivic.
and my girl's well...melissa of course...remember? =DDDDD lol
ur godmother? >< lol
anyway nice names

Candice Lui said...

I haven't been on blogger in a long time :O! Anyways, interesting names. LOL moment at, "Wait. Can my grandma pronounce Hermione and Yusseff? Darn." If you do name your boy Yusseff, there will be a lot of laughter when he visits your grandma if she can't pronounce his name.