But anyway again, due to those two AP Lang books, I'm now inspired to add 2 things to my these-are-the-things-I'm-going-to-do-before-I-die list. So besides learning to play piano and ballroom dance, I'm going to WRITE A NOVEL and START A BOOK CLUB!
I want to write a BIG book, the size of Great Expectations, Oedipus, and To Kill a Mockingbird combined! Except the font will be 10x bigger because I abhor tiny font (plus I don't have to write as much) and there would be pictures! Lots and lots of pretty pretty pictures. And it's going to be hardback, the binding scarlet-purple color. And my huge face plastered in the back! Okay, maybe not. And I'm going to get a special clear glass case for my book, like the ones they use to exhibit special jewelry, the one that lights up, and I'm going to rope off a section of my house just to display it! Okay, maybe not again. But I can just picture it in my head haha.

I just can't picture what's going to be inside the book....yet. Ashley's the creative one; maybe she'll dictate a story, and I'll write it. When we were younger (and we still do this), we would create our own worlds, our own identities, and our own futures. It's been so long ago, but I think I was "Chloe," in my late 20's, married to a guy named "Carlos." We lived in Colorado on a snowy mountain while Ashley (she had a name too, but I forgot) and her husband lived in the middle of Pennsylvania. By the way, I had like a bazillion kids. And we had plot lines too! Some days we had magical powers, some days explosions happened, and somedays we had more children (teddy bears, so each stuffed animal was an addition to the family somehow). I had a good life.
So maybe I'll write a book about my old life. Ahahha. I don't know.
I'll just wait and see until I'm a retired psychologist/school counselor/broadway actress or a bored housewife on Wysteria Lane to start my novel. Oh, and the book club.