Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My First Day at College Theatre Class Was Intimidating

So I'm taking a college theatre production class this summer at Chabot College with my sister and Alex Deng. It's not really a class, more like a student-run theatre production. We make up 3/5's of the high schoolers in the class. One of the other two is a girl from Arizona and the other a huge 6' 5" guy with curly hair. Ashley, Alex, and I are the only Asians. We are also probably the smallest, puniest people in the room along with the nice girl from Arizona. We're huddled together like "Don't hurt us!" But it's okay; everyone's nice...and interesting.

The first thing Dov, the teacher guy, had us do was the usual ice-breaker game, like we had to tell our whole life story to someone you don't know in like a minute. So mine goes, "Hi, I'm Melissa. I was born in Hayward, and I've gone to Chinese Christian Schools my entire life. I fractured my knee when I was in fifth grade; I love green tea ice-cream....etc." My partner was named Ryan. He's pretty cool, hecka tall though; I'm like half his height. His life story goes like this: "I'm Ryan; I'm 24, and I go to Chabot College. I came out of the closet when I was 16. When I was a freshman in highschool, I got busted into Juvi selling drugs. When I got out, I got deeper into drugs and alcohol and had no idea what to do with my life. And then I when to rehab, turned my life around, and now I'm into acting. So yeah." When he was done, I'm embarrassed to say my mouth was like hanging open and all I could say was, "Oh. Wow." *Shrinks* How real and intimidating and inspiring is that? I'm not really used to real life yet.

Real life. Which is what Director Dov said is what this theatre production is aiming to portray. I realize I'm too young and inexperienced to know what real life really consists of. And Dov says he is teaching a college class, not a high school class, so he is unobliged to censor anything for us poor, innocent high school students. Like we were playing some theatre games, and someone told my sister to do the most innapropriate thing, and she was helplessly like "UM." One of the plays they are thinking of doing is called "Lesbian Draculas of Sodom and Gomorrah." *Chokes* UM. I don't think I'm ready for anything like that yet. I don't even think my mother would let me watch anything like that on TV!

And who am I kidding?! I can't act! I realize I don't even like acting that much. I find it difficult to act like I'm picking my belly button lint or pretending there's no gravity, which is a couple things I had to do today. And I really hope that if I do get cast in any role, that I won't have to like cuss or kiss anyone or anything. Oh goodness. But I love theatre; the sweat, rehearsals, funniness, and togetherness of it all. I like seeing how weeks and months of pain turns into a nice little play. Haha, now I have a new dream where I'm writing my own play and directing it. I think that'd be fun.

Yeah, I'm in for a fun, interesting, weird summer.


JustANordinaryGUY said...

Wow that's really nice! So you are taking a theater class at chabot now....what time is it? lol btw, I'm not sure if i can even take a class at chabot anymore, the english department is so complicated, many high schoolers have to ask the teacher if we can "add-in" to their class on the first day. And if my teacher doesn't let me, than there goes my summer at chabot......0o Anyways have fun taking theater! And, you don't have to do anything you feel is insulting, you have your RIGHTS. xD

IczyG said...

glad u having fun =D
and if u do the lesbian dracula thing, i'll totally come watch =)
haha >.< or like i said, u cud do crew...but wutz the fun in that?
and hey, wud u rather take STATISTICS!?!??!!? =D haha lol
cya later =) hav plenty of fun with ur new life experience with college lol

Unknown said...

What a brave soul! haha one big scoop of reality.

Go for broadway!

Your post's are inspiring.

rosannagurl said...

that class sounds like it would be fun, but intimidating because "real life" isn't something we have much experience with.
i would have no idea whatsoever of what to do if i was in that class. i would probably be shocked with how everything is so not CCSish.
anyways, i hope you are having a blast in that class, no matter how crazy it is.

JustANordinaryGUY said...

uhm,so on the day i saw you ( wednesday) .....the teacher said come back tomorrow ( today/thursday) to see if anyone drops then you'll have a chance to add-in. She told me my chances were slim. So i came home and prayed to God and told Him whatever happens it's in your hands because You're my Heavenly Father you'll know which outcome will suit me best. So today, just before break time she said, "you know, it'll be very sad if you four couldn't add in after coming for the first 2 days and doing all your hmwk, so......i'll add you guys."..............hope that answers your question on how things worked out. xD