Saturday, May 10, 2008

My Sister and I Were Creative This Year

Every year, my sister and I make our mother a last minute card for Mother's Day. This year, we got a little more spontaneous and made Mommy a last minute SONNET! Haha.

We Love Mommy
Ingenously we write this sonnet
With Avid hope it will make you smile.
Though we know we will always be in debt
To you, indeed, no doubt, it is worthwile.
For lucky we are to have you right here;
Curry, clean bathrooms, fun "dating advice,"
Love, and laughter we'll also have, but dear
Patient mother, never shall we take light
Your firm, caring efforts to make us right.
Like nagging us daily to take showers,
So we won't be funky; we know you care.
Yes, you're super woman with great powers
To bear with us as no mother would dare.
Love you Mommy! You are beyond compare.


JustANordinaryGUY said...

AWWW how cuuuute!! ^^ im still trying to think up a last minute thing i could do for my mommy lol

rosannagurl said...

haha. it is very creative.
now you could use that for mother's day and turn it in to Mrs. Myers for extra credit. kill two birds with one stone. lol.

idontlikeyou said...

that is very cute haha

Candice Lui said...

dude, you and your sister...pure genius. i bet your sonnet would make it onto future mother's day cards

IczyG said...

hi mel! nice poem =D
beeg wordz